About Us

About us

Dragon Coders Private Limited (DC) is a Software Company, incorporated under the Companies Act of Bhutan holding trade license No.1044322. In the quest to make ‘Digital Bhutan’ a reality and to tread along with the rest of the world on the technology front, DC laid its foundation firmly with the clear intention to help digitize our community and beyond, through the utilization of immense potential offered by Information Technology and Software Industries.

Resonating perfectly with the vision of His Majesty the King, Dragon Coders aspires to become a driving domestic software firm in providing software development consultancy services with great code quality, and help bring digital transformation to the organizations in Bhutan and beyond. 

Our consulting services include but are not limited to the following:

  • Development of interactive web applications and portals
  • Development of Mobile (iOS & Android) Applications
  • UX/UI designs
  • Database and Solution Architect designs
  • Development of bespoke software products unique to organizational needs
  • Support & maintenance services of the software products delivered.
  • Design and development of websites
  • Software project management


Group 4 (3)


With visionary guidance from the Board of Directors, Dragon Coders is led by Ms. Leki Choden as the CEO on the forefront, directing the team towards achieving common goals.

Leki has vast experience in the telecom and software industries, starting as Telecom Engineer with Bhutan Telecom Ltd. and transitioning to technical Project Manager, COO and as CEO, always embracing greater responsibilities.

A certified Scrum Master, Leki has a Bachelors of Technology from Vellore Institute of Technology, India and Masters in Engineering from Yokohama National University, Japan.

Leki can read and write native level English and business level Japanese, in addition to our National language, Dzongkha.

Professional Members and Association:

  • Member of Women in STEM, Bhutan.
  • Member of Royal Tech Group, Bhutan.


Mr. Tashi Dendup, has been with Dragon Coders since day 1 and serves the company with utmost dedication and sincerity. As the CTO, Tashi is a bridge between the technical and business aspects of the company, ensuring that technology serves as a catalyst for growth and innovation. Tashi is a visionary leader who inspires our team members and drives the company towards technological excellence and success. 

Tashi Dendup is a hardcore developer in Ruby on Rails, Python, Java, Javascript, MySQL, Postgresql, and Apache besides being an excellent database and system Engineer.  Tashi is an expert at Database Admin and Security Systems. 

Tashi has a B.Sc in Computer Science from Sherubtse College, Kanglung, Bhutan.  


Technology Stack Information

Technology Frameworks:

At Dragon Coders, we use open source Ruby on Rails (Rails) as our core development programming language for the Backend and React Js as the Frontend technology with React UI Material.

1.  Database

  • Postgresql - 16
  • MySql - 8
  • MongoDB - 7

2. Backend: Ruby on Rails .

  • Ruby - 3.2.2
  • Rails - 7.1.2
  • Django - 5
  • Python - 3.12

3. Frontend:

  • ReactJs - 18
  • Gatsby - 5.13.4
  • NextJs - 14
  • Java Script-ES2024

4. User Interface: React Material-UI – v5.5.1